A Therapist's Guide to Child Development: The Extraordinarily Normal Years

SKU: CPT0025


A Therapist's Guide to Child Development gives therapists and counselors the basics they need to understand their clients in the context of development and to explain that development to parents. The chapters take the reader through the various physical, social, and identity developments occuring at each age, explaining how each stage of development is closely linked to mental health and how that is revealed in therapy. This ideal guide for students, as well as early and experienced professionals, will also give readers the tools with which to communicate successfully with the child's guardians or teachers, including easy-to-read handouts that detail what kind of behaviors are not cause for concern and those behaviors that indicate it may be time to seek help. As an aid to practitioners, this book matches developmental ages with appropriate, evidence-based mental health interventions.

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List price: $49.00


Price: $49.00
Weight: 2 lb.
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