Sara Haas, PhD, LPC, RPT, CCPT-S, CPRT-S, NCC, is an assistant professor in the Counseling Program at Northeastern State University. Dr. Haas completed her doctoral degree in counseling at the University of North Texas where she specialized in play therapy. Dr. Haas is a Registered Play Therapist and approved by the Center for Play Therapy at UNT as a trainer and supervisor for mental health professionals seeking certification as Child-Centered Play Therapists and Child-Parent Relationship Therapists.
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CPRT 101
Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) is an evidence-based, culturally-responsive intervention with over 35 controlled outcome studies demonstrating its significant beneficial effects on reducing children’s behavior problems, reducing stress in the parent-child relationship and increasing caregiver empathy. CPRT focuses on fostering a secure and attuned caregiver-child attachment and empowering caregivers to make a significant difference in their children’s lives. In this unique approach, professional play therapists experienced in Child-Centered Play Therapy (CCPT) train and supervise caregivers to become therapeutic agents in their children’s lives through the use of CCPT principles and skills. Using a format of didactic instruction, demonstration play sessions, required weekly 30-minute play sessions and supervision, caregivers are taught CCPT attitudes and skills to facilitate sensitivity to, and understanding of their child’s underlying needs.
This is a practical “how to” workshop will fulfill partial requirements towards certification as a CPRT Facilitator. Based on the presenters’ experience, demonstrations, and viewing video segments of the inner-workings of a CPRT group co-lead by Dr. Bratton and Dr. Garry Landreth, participants will learn: how to teach child-centered play therapy skills, toys and materials needed, techniques for involving caregivers in the learning process, balancing training and meeting caregivers emotional needs, utilizing group dynamics, and facilitative supervision strategies. CPRT’s substantial evidence base, preventative nature, and relatively brief treatment time frame make this treatment model attractive in today’s mental health climate. CPRT received the 2010 Best Practices in Parent/Family Education Award and was recently recognized by the Donaldson Adoption Institute as the therapeutic parent training model with the strongest evidence base for working with adoptive/foster families.
*Participants will need the CPRT treatment manual and are encouraged to be familiar with the manual prior to the workshop.
CPRT 101
- Discuss rationale for involving parents in children’s therapy.
- Role-play teaching caregivers basic CCPT skills.
- Describe the appropriate toys for CPRT play sessions.
- Describe the structure of CPRT caregiver-child play sessions.
- Identify strategies for teaching CPRT concepts and skills within group format.
- Identify three group leader skills necessary for effective facilitation of CPRT.
- Identify strategies for providing supportive feedback and supervision of video-recorded caregiver-child play sessions.
- Discuss cultural considerations for applying CPRT.
- Identify caregiver/child populations for which CPRT is proven effective.
- Describe the substantive evidence-base for CPRT.
CPRT 101 - February 22-23, 2025; 8:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Day 1:
8:30am-10:30am-Workshop Content
10:30am-10:45am- Break
10:45am-12pm- Workshop Content
12pm-1pm- Lunch
1pm-2:30pm Workshop Content
2:30pm-2:45pm Break
2:45pm-4pm- Workshop Content
Day 2:
8:30am-10:30am-Workshop Content
10:30am-10:45am- Break
10:45am-12pm- Workshop Content
12pm-1pm- Lunch
1pm-2:30pm Workshop Content
2:30pm-2:45pm Break
2:45pm-4pm- Workshop Content
1250 E 200 S, STE 2D, Lehi, UT 84043
Cancellation and Refund Policy
Registration cancellation refund requests should be submitted to Dr. Sara Haas in writing. The registration fee, minus a $50 administrative fee, will be refunded only if the request is postmarked by February 8, 2025 for CPRT 101. Dr. Sara Haas reserves the right to cancel this conference in the event of unforeseen circumstances. If such occurs, Dr. Sara Haas will attempt to notify registrants prior to the conference and refund all registration, workshop, and continuing education fees. In all instances, the liability of Dr. Sara Haas is limited to refunding such fees.
Play therapy credit is only awarded to mental health professionals.