Professional Organizations

Professional organizations serve to further the interests of a given profession and play therapy is no exception to this. The United States is served through the Association for Play Therapy. APT administers the Registered Play Therapist credential. For more information on RPT, visit here. The Association for Play Therapy is further divided into affiliated state branches. State branches can be located via their website by clicking here.

Several other nations have professional associations of their own; the organizations we are aware of are listed below as well as related professional organizations.

Related Professional Organizations

American Counseling Association

American Psychological Association

American School Counselor Association

American Art Therapy Association

American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy

Sandplay Therapists of America

International Expressive Arts Therapy Association

International Professional Organizations

Association for Taiwan Play Therapy

Australasia Pacific Play Therapy Association

British Association of Play Therapists

Canadian Association for Child and Play Therapy

International Family Therapy Association

Israeli Play Therapy Association

Japan Association for Play Therapy

Australian Play Therapists Association