Did you know that CPT houses the world’s largest play therapy library? We have collected thousands of books, articles, dissertations, and more on play therapy and child development. This library is available to anyone on the University of North Texas campus, but our goal is to make it available to anyone in the world through our new online database, PlayLit. PlayLit is a searchable, user friendly database that you can use to find anything you need to know about play therapy. Right now, you can access the APA references for every entry in our library. To find the full length articles, you can copy and paste the reference or the DOI into your web browser or your university’s online library search bar (some entries will be open access and can viewed by all users, while other entries may require payment or special access through memberships). PlayLit is the best place to start your research into play therapy and child development.
Perkins, C. F. (October 28-31, 1976). The Seventh Annual Conference of the American Art Therapy Association: Creativity and the art therapist's identity. Paper presented at , . |
Kwiattkowska, H. Y. (October, 1976). Paper presented at the 7th annual conference of the American Art Therapy Association: Creativity and the art therapist's identity. Paper presented at , Baltomore, ML. |
Holloway, P. J., Myles-Nixon, C., & Johnson, W. (). . Paper presented at Paper presented at the American Council on Rural Special Education, Charleston, SC, . |
Oke, S., & Kanigsberg, E. (November 10, 1990). Dissociative Disorders 1990: Multiple Personality/Dissociative States. Paper presented at Rush University, Chicago, IL, . |
Allan, J., & Lawton-Speert, S. (August, 1994). Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association. Paper presented at New Orleans, LA, New Oreleans. |
D'haese, M. (). . Paper presented at Paper presented at the International Mental Health Conference, University of British Columbia, . |
Fraiberg, S., Adelson, E., & Shapiro, V. (1974). Ghosts in the nursery: A psychoanalytic approach to the problems of impaired infant-mother relationships (Report No. ). Paper presented at The Brata Rank Memorial Lecture at Boston Pyschoanalytic Society and Institue: . |
Landreth, G., Bratton, S., Kellam, T., & Blackard, S. (n/a). Filial/family play therapy: Child-parent-relationship training. CPR for parents (Leader's Guide). Unpublished manuscript. Manuscript submitted for publication. |
Guerney, B., & Stover, L. (1971). Filial therapy final report (MH 18264-01) (Report No. MH 18264-01). Pennsylvania State University: . |
Guerney, L. (). Eastern Psychological Association. Paper presented at , New York City. |
Guerney, L. (1975). Foster parent training: A manual for parents (Report No. ). Pennsylvania State University, PA: Ideals. |
Guerney, L. (1976). Foster parent training project, Part II: Description & evaluation of the foster parent skills training program for parents & for agency personnel (Report No. CHSD Rep. No. 94). University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University, College of Human Development. |
Guerney, B., Wolfgang, G., & Vogelsong, E. (1978). Foster care systems training: Second year evaluation (Report No. ). State College, PA: Ideals. |
Guerney, B., Wolfgang, G., & Vogelsong, E. (1977). Foster parent skill training program: First year evaluation (Report No. ). State College, Pennsylvania: Ideals. |
Guerney, L. F. (1990). Parenting adolescents: A supplement to parenting: A skills training program (Report No. ). Silver Spring, MD: IDEAL. |
Guerney, B., Vogelsong, E., & Wolfgang, G. (1979). Evaluation of the caseworker staff training workshop of Child Care Systems Inc. (Report No. ). State College, PA: Ideals. |
Bach, A. (). . Paper presented at Paper presented at Sayerville Public Schools, Sayerville, NJ, Sayreville, NJ. |
Nickerson, E. (). . Paper presented at Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, . |
Skinner, C. L. (). . Paper presented at Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, . |
Gimlin, B. A. (1997). Filial therapy: A review of research and interview findings from a local training program (Report No. ). Unpublished manuscript. California Polytechnic State University: San Luis Obispo. |