Did you know that CPT houses the world’s largest play therapy library? We have collected thousands of books, articles, dissertations, and more on play therapy and child development. This library is available to anyone on the University of North Texas campus, but our goal is to make it available to anyone in the world through our new online database, PlayLit. PlayLit is a searchable, user friendly database that you can use to find anything you need to know about play therapy. Right now, you can access the APA references for every entry in our library. To find the full length articles, you can copy and paste the reference or the DOI into your web browser or your university’s online library search bar (some entries will be open access and can viewed by all users, while other entries may require payment or special access through memberships). PlayLit is the best place to start your research into play therapy and child development.
Kalb-Weldy, K., & Weiglein, R. (2014). Power of symbols for children and adults in crisis: Play therapy at an emergency homless shelter. Play Therapy, 9(2), 16-20. |
Webster, A. (2008). Research reckonings: Playing in the Maze: Reflections on an M.A in play therapy. Play therapy: Magazine of the British Association of Play Therapy, (53), 12-16. |
Unknown. (2013). Parents can't play' in a toy rich - play poor society. British Association of Play Therapists, (76), 8-9. |
Hunter, L. B. (2008). Metaphors in miniature: Exploring the power of sandplay. Play Therapy, 3(3), 6-8. |
Llewellyn, L. (2016). Reflections on my play therapy assistant. British Association of Play Therapists, (86), 8-9. |
Law, M. B. (). Set the stage. ASCA School Counselor, (), . |
Goodyear-Brown, P. (2016). Play brings the balance. Play Therapy, 11(1), . |
Goodyear-Brown, P. (2007). You are my speed bump. Play Therapy, 2(1), 18-21. |
Homeyer, L. (2003). Play therapy supervision: Training in theory and practice at the 20th Annual Association for Play Therapy International Conference. [Audio recording]. |
Ashby, J., White, J., Shipp-Frank, L. A., & Mitechell, J. A. (2003). Confidentiality and dual relationship in play therapy: Ethical decision making Healing sparks: Facilitating the healing process of grieving children at the 20th Annual Association for Play Therapy International Conference (Audio CD1-2). [Audio recording]. |
Gil, E. (Producer), & (Director). (). Family play therapy: The benefits of using play in family therapy [Motion picture]. : . |
Fernandez, I. (Producer), & (Director). (1999). Ilana Fernandez' parenting workshop: Cherish our child each day in some way [Motion picture]. Hono, HI: Metamorphosis, LLC. |
Campbell, R., & Nielsen, R. (Producer), & (Director). (1991). Parenting: An attitude of the heart. Improving your attitude [Motion picture]. Dallas, TX: Priority One Publishing. |
Campbell, R., & Nielsen, R. (Producer), & (Director). (1991). Parenting: An attitude of the heart. How to love your child [Motion picture]. Dallas, TX: Priority One Publishing. |
Campbell, R., & Nielsen, R. (Producer), & (Director). (1991). Parenting: An attitude of the heart. The secret to discipline [Motion picture]. Dallas, TX: Priority One Publishing. |
Campbell, R., & Nielsen, R. (Producer), & (Director). (1991). Parenting: An attitude of the heart. Why values are important [Motion picture]. Dallas, TX: Priority One Publishing. |
Campbell, R., & Nielsen, R. (Producer), & (Director). (1991). Parenting: An attitude of the heart. Life as a missionary: A son remembers [Motion picture]. Dallas, TX: Priority One Publishing. |
VanFleet, R. (Producer), & (Director). (1999). Overcoming Resistance: Engaging parents in play therapy [Motion picture]. : . |
Annunziata, J. (Producer), & (Director). (1998). APA Psychotherapy Videotape Series ll: Play therapy with a 6-year-old. [Motion picture]. : . |
Mrroquin, A. (Producer), & (Director). (1991). A look at play therapy [Motion picture]. : . |