Did you know that CPT houses the world’s largest play therapy library? We have collected thousands of books, articles, dissertations, and more on play therapy and child development. This library is available to anyone on the University of North Texas campus, but our goal is to make it available to anyone in the world through our new online database, PlayLit. PlayLit is a searchable, user friendly database that you can use to find anything you need to know about play therapy. Right now, you can access the APA references for every entry in our library. To find the full length articles, you can copy and paste the reference or the DOI into your web browser or your university’s online library search bar (some entries will be open access and can viewed by all users, while other entries may require payment or special access through memberships). PlayLit is the best place to start your research into play therapy and child development.
Cornwell, D., & Hobbs, S. (). International Symposium, Play, Play Therapy, Play Research. Paper presented at , Amsterdam. |
Kooij, R., & Hellendoorn, J. (). International Symposium (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED287553). Paper presented at , Amsterdam. |
Hannah, G., & Rave, E. (). Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Paper presented at , Toronto, Ontario, Canada. |
Merchant, D. (July 1972). The Alberta Counsellor. Paper presented at , . |
L'Abate, L. (1968). Design for a playroom (Report No. ). Paper presented at Georgia State College, Atlanta, GA.: . |
Cicchelli, T. (). . Paper presented at Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Boston, Boston, MA. |
Baecher, R. (). . Paper presented at Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, . |
Wood, C. (). . Paper presented at Paper presented at the annual Behavioral Management in the Classroom and Psychotherapy for the Emotionally Disturbed and Behaviorally Disordered Child, Dallas, TX., . |
Albaum, J. (). . Paper presented at Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA, . |
Baker, R., & Haley, M. (). . Paper presented at Paper presented in the annual all Ohio elementary school guidance conference, . |
Kingson, J. F. (). Playing for keeps: Supporting Children's Play. Topics in early childhood education (Vol. 2), Massachusetts. Paper presented at , . |
Matthews, M. (). Early Childhood Conference. Paper presented at , Dunedin, New Zealand. |
Kayes, M. (). . Paper presented at Paper presented at the Early Childhood Convention, Dunedin, New Zealand, . |
Graham-Costain, V., Waldschmidt, C., & Gould, C. (). Paper presented at the international conference on multiple personality dissociative status. Paper presented at Rush University, Chicago, Rush University. |
Klein, J. (). Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Multiple Personality/Dissociative States. Paper presented at Chicago, IL, . |
Hacker, C. (). 9th International Conference on Multiple Personality/Dissociative States. Paper presented at Chicago, IL, Rush University. |
Terr, L. (). . Paper presented at , . |
Prestwich, S. (). . Paper presented at Paper presented in the Office of Economic Opportunity, Washington, DC, . |
Casner, M., & Marks, S. (). . Paper presented at Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the Council for Exceptional Children, Washington, DC, . |
Vangalder, C. J. (1997). CARE: Caregiver assistance, resources and education. A case study of a family-centered assessment and intervention model. (Report No. EC305546). Lansing: MI: . |