Streaming: 華人兒童與兒童中心遊戲治療一節臨床單元


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Child-Centered Play Therapy with Children of Chinese Cultures: A Clinical Session


程翼如博士 - 兒童中心遊戲治療專家

本片紀錄了程翼如博士和一位華裔兒童的臨床遊戲治療單元,整段遊戲時間並沒有預先彩排, 真實地呈現了兒童中心遊戲治療的精䯝。程博士在單元期間示範了如何應用Axline的8個基本原則,也在片未探討她在過程中的感受和想法。

精華片段:程翼如博士和Dr. Dee Ray的訪談,討論如何將兒童中心遊戲治療的概念融入華人文化,提供有效的兒童心理治療。

featuring Dr. Yi-Ju Cheng, a leading expert in Child-Centered Play Therapy

This unrehearsed play therapy session demonstrates the use of child-centered play therapy (CCPT) with a child who identifies as Chinese. Watch as Dr. Cheng facilitates the development of the eight basic principles of CCPT. Then, listen as Dr. Cheng shares her process in a post-session interview.

Prior to the session, Dr. Cheng discusses her own journey as a play therapist and how CCPT can be a culturally responsive intervention with Dr. Dee Ray.

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Due to the nature of this service, refunds are only offered if there is a problem with the streaming service itself. No refunds will be given under any other circumstances. Customer must contact via phone to request an exchanges. Exchanges available only for inactivated codes.

List price: $80.00
Price: $80.00